Digital Illustrator | Character designer

All Articles are written and images illustrated by Rico Griffiths-Taitte.

h, Self-Awareness! I have heard this term beaten to death by those that say they know what and where the self is located in an attempt to elucidate this mind-bending study. There are as many claims to self-awareness as there are theories on human development.

I can only serve as the ever-present student of this subject to put my 2 pennies worth in.

What is Self-Awareness. Anyway?

I’m no expert on the subject, but I am an authority on being me. That’s the difference between the plethora of information that I have waded through about "The self" and what I have come to learn on this earth.


The time has come for me to wage my 20 plus years on the subject against someone that thinks self-awareness is some ‘cool’ new age word for the modern-day entrepreneur.


Let me introduce why I have now dedicated my life to answer my calling of sharing knowledge of self to anyone that cares to find their own true passion with meaning.


Let’s look at why the self needs perspective!


It is said that authorities on the subject of the self-aware, have a good indication of what the ‘self’ actually means. I’m inclined to some degree subscribe to the teachings of all those that venture down the beaten path of the philosophy of the self.


From Socrates to Rene Descartes in particular ‘Rules for the Direction of the Mind’ show that these findings are the corner stones of how we go about processing and quantifying our own existence.


Your actions and even thought process can be surmised by having a chain of command to produce something that influences something else. This is from a determinist point of view of which I am an advocate.

"How do you like your eggs in the morning?

I like mine with philosophy!"

To illustrate the philosophical side of self-awareness comes down to the rhythm of who you as a repetitious cycle of patterns and events.


Let me give you an example:


A great number of people eat breakfast in the morning Well, that’s because it’s the morning and you celebrate the dawn by ‘breaking’ the ‘fast’ from your sleep the night before.


Can we all agree on that?


Having breakfast is often eaten automatically at a set time because you simply feel like eating something in the morning. That’s not to say that you can’t eat breakfast at any other time if the day.


I even enjoy cereal at 10 pm sometimes.


There’s a pattern that is created for us based on what we have been accustomed to being awake for. That is, you and your time usually have a determined set of sequential events.


Let’s go through them, in no particular order:


There’s breakfast time, lunch time, teatime, if you’re English, dinner time, after eights, I love those chocolates, and maybe bedtime.


Things have changed considerably over time, pardon the pun, but many of us can divide up the day because its determined by other things that proceed those events.


Our physical and emotional self usually without us knowing, to accommodate these slices of our day and is subconsciously just playing a role where ‘free will’ doesn’t really come into the equation.


I will state yet again any or all of these things are subjective based on lifestyle, of course.


But It’s a determinist point of view in that you can’t deny we are automatically motivated because of the chain of the command set by society.


Just like having matched socks

"The universe is determinist through causation to illustrate that free will is just an illusion"

It’s time to personalise the person in you!

I want to address this subject with a slightly different perspective than most because I have read many theories on self-awareness and I openly agree with the

sentiments made by scholars of self-knowledge.


However, I am not afraid to ruffle some feathers from anyone that suggests self-awareness has anything to do with, or rewards anyone with seeking any kind or selfish merit or hubris.


There is no feeling superior to others because you claim to be self-aware. If an arrogant person says they have knowledge of self, then it’s the complete opposite to awareness. This is because humility and immense gratitude are the foundations of anyone attempting to be a student of self.


There is a grand misconception about how you can master the self and I will address that subject in another article.


We all have a higher self and the road to self-mastery starts and ends with being a student of you first.


Reaching a state of enlightenment after somehow knowing who you are is completely mans idea of reaching resolution.


Absolute crap…I’m sorry! Well actually I’m not sorry


The truth is staring you in the face and it’s time to face up to your role on earth otherwise known as you purpose because you do have one.

The Truth is Hedon in Plain Sight!

Knowing the self means learning what makes you feel pleasure not just on a physical level but a spiritual one. Having the ability, nay the courage to leave a job when you know it’s not healthy for you to stay there in some way will heal you on levels only few could relate to.


I will share something with you.


Yes, the global pandemic that we all have been touched by in some way is bad, really bad. Looking at it another from another perspective, some of you have found the time to look at yourself with open eyes. There is a conscious shift that you you feel as if something needs to change and that change starts with you. When you accept that you need to be more resourceful and proactive about your wants, needs and desire and how you can impact the world around you,


That my friend is being self-aware.


Awareness of the shift.


The universe is a harmonious playground and in my studies of 'the self' I'm not entirely convinced that the universe wants you to learn painful lessons, however it does serve to teach you something.

There is no one size fits all definition of having knowledge of self.

"You have the entire universe at your disposal What you desire is the same as what the Universe wants you to receive!"

There are theories and articles that suggest achieving self-awareness is a state of mind. First of all, there is no such thing as ‘achieving’ self-awareness and neither is there enough room in your ego to think that you will be better than anyone else that hasn't walked this path. This path of searching for self can be loaded with realities that honestly, might feel uncomfortable.


Yes, I know that there is something called the ‘cessation of suffering’ as highlighted by the 'four noble truths' but please do not misunderstand what suffering actually means. It would be worth further reading and study of the ways of the buddha to see that self-awareness can also be realised once you have that eye to see your path.


If you are invariably happy with your life and never seek to complain about it then evidently you to have an awareness of being content. But there is no ceremonial fanfare upon achieving knowledge of self because you know more about you than the next person.


You could predispose that because you are a happy person that you will somehow always inherit happiness.

Being comfortable in one’s own skin, is the essence of what it means to be self-aware.


You could predispose that because you are a happy person that you will somehow always inherit happiness. You already have awareness of the world and of course you have a view of yourself.


You just need to look in the mirror to see the real you.

Below are 5 insights to self-awareness!

1. Certainty.

Self-awareness often has it nemesis named self-doubt that is suffering from having the maligned imposter syndrome.

The beauty of the self-aware is that you can create versions of yourself until you are comfortable being in your own skin

2. Different outlook.

Self-awareness does not deal with the physical appearance; it is the in total opposite. It’s about introspection.

3. Growing Pains.

Some people fake it till they make it and can overcome feeling like a fraud because they are ok knowing that they are growing.

Accepting this notion will allow you to see more, learn more do more about your connection to finding self-appreciation and self-love.

4. Knowing when to strike!

There has never been a better time than now to take action! You are the foundations of your own potential that means you must start looking within instead of trying to accommodate someone else’s view of what you should do.

My own wife said that she didn’t think I could do this line of work fulltime as a job. But she is just being practical

Only thing is, it’s not my job. It’s so much more than that and It certain isn’t my ‘job’ to convince her to see what I see about myself.

5. The process of allowing yourself to be!

You are a being of light that knows how to refract light within you. That light is made up of different colours and shades of your character.


The origin of the word character defines you as being a symbol. Just like the word person or persona. You are the definition of the mask or part you play in your life with the external appearance that you portray.


You should express yourself visually with transparency.

My Final View

Self-awareness journal update: 2022.

How is my own journey in my search of 'the self', I hear you ask? Well, if your question extends to, do I see myself as person who is a proponent of self-awareness?


Let me put it like this:


I’m like a hurt animal that licks its wounds and keeps on moving.


I like the sound of my truth that’s what I what I keep on using.


I’ve figured out many things because I study at night.


I got the ‘self’ on lock and I’m keeping it tight.


My persona has a sticker saying, ‘One who knows’ and I’m blessed to request the release my ego.


I’m a work in progress but never pray on my knees


cuz I’m aware that myself just wants to know me.


Mic Drop!

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